
Contemporary artist specializing in full spectrum painting, mural, animation and digital hybrid art.

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As I discover my self along the journey I begin to see that there are many who are also like me.
fotoMahalonesssection high ground in studioMahaloness, this is a serious work zone. I make sure I am surrounded not only by things I make but also the bits and pieces of kindred spirits, those folks inspire me and share a similar passion in this lifetime.

Thank you for visiting.

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in the studio

Welcome friends to another instalment of ’in the studio’ of Mahaloness.

This video doesn’t exist

visual and sound design by hälts c.2014
thank you
merci beaucoup

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All of my life built this moment.

This is a time-lapse video of my process paired with a track I made on garage band, the wonders of modern technology.

This video doesn’t exist

Thank you for watching.

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sitting quietly

From the natural to the super natural, these are the universes and yes paintaverses I tend to find myself in.

featuring: Paintaverse 874538, Yuma Falls B.C. and the sacred garden Buddha located on Maui, what a gem of a place to sit and be still. The Buddha statue inspired the Buddha painting seen below in a ‘bursting with art’ studio, as I prepare for my Lost Art Exhibit Experience.




Many of the images you see can be purchased as prints, its as easy as contacting me, please go to my homepage for contact info.
Thank you.

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It was international surf day yesterday, which I missed because I am in it heavy with the creative process as I near an art exhibition. The nerves are thin right now as I burn the midnight oil working on paintings, wearable art and all the things to do that come with doing a show. To be honest I feel as if I have been sitting in a cave for an indefinite amount of time meditating and this has all been a dream. If it is a dream than may it never end. As my ‘Lost Art’ exhibit/experience comes near there is much to do, on that note I leave you with a set of three, magic it is.

fotoMahalonessHau surf doodle ink on moleskine made on maui sitting on a rock at ho’okipa beach 2012


I feel as this period of my life was a dream, maui made energetic acrylic paintings made on salvaged wood and coconut palm husk20140621-010858.jpg

signs of energetic studio space20140621-011539.jpg

Thank you.

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life right now

I consider myself an unorthodox artist and this is what gives my art it’s Mahaloness .

creativespacetime practice maintinainence. 3rd eye hats, thats right I make many things and 3rd eye hats is one of them, otherwise known as cyclops. At the moment the studio is abundant with a creative verve, and I am not talking of the commercial variety. I am a magician of sorts, turning nothing into something, while remaining low pro in a go pro kind of world.




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Life has been moving quickly, creative flow is at peak velocity. As I near my next art exhibition I begin to finalize paintings and get everything organized and ready. What keeps me sane in times like these is a backyard garden, deep breaths, a really supportive partner, family and friends. To all those people thank you for being present in my life. To all you out there in the world I would love to invite every single one of you to my show, although I understand that’s a tall request so I will also post updates here on Mahaloness.

Life is always moving, not just in the city. I find peace when I am in my work or when I venture into the backyard to enjoy the garden with a bit of sunshine, it never hurts.




For my dad.

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I find joy in painting Tibetan Taras, here is one of my Tara paintings remixed with a bit of modern technology.

Tibetan White Tara
is always looking out for me.20140610-153531.jpgand a poster for an up and coming show I have been working away at now for a good long while. More info coming, so much to do so little time, breath in breath out okay good to go.

20140610-153858.jpgand a link to the FB events page here
If you are in the Calgary pease come down, July 3rd is the opener of not your typical art opening, something to experience

Thank you Merci Mahaloness