
Contemporary artist specializing in full spectrum painting, mural, animation and digital hybrid art.


first SKATE and an Eagle

Ice like this is rare, so I went for skate in honour of my dad who knew how to move a puck around, Parkinson’s is a terrible disease. My dad has never given up, good on you dad. For the past 4 years I have been the principle care giver in my family for my ageing parents. My dad specifically who was diagnosed with Parkinson’s and also multiple systems atrophy. What do these things mean, well I am not going into specifics of the conditions, I will say that in flash my dad was unable to do all this things he once loved. Hockey was a big one, he payed until he was 75! Now in his 80’s life has taken a turn, and he is hard pressed to do any kind of walking on his own, without the risk of a fall. That is just one part of these diseases, and for a man who ran marathons, taught Social Studies, was an active skier, hiker, and all around active person…this is heart breaking. My dad has never really complained, instead he has fought tooth and nail and despite numerous prognosis he has really overcome some of those odds. Most importantly he is still here and has not given up on himself, or on his journey. When we talk about freedom, it really is a subjective term, and despite most of my dad’s freedoms being taken away, he continues to smile and appreciate all the good days he had. A lesson that I have taken to heart, and mind. The following is a short I made in honour of my dad, we used to pass the puck around in the bay I skated in the video, it represents both sorrow and joy, and appreciating what we have, even if this doesn’t feel enough.

The following short is part of my Autumnal series of videos, please go to my last few posts to see the previous videos, including ‘Wildlife of the East Kootenay’ which captured a pretty amazing close encounter….and one that I will never forget. And now I present ‘eagle who SOARS into FALL season’

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new myths 

A myth can transcend space time only when it is appropriate to the time. Life is changing so fast the myth doesn’t have enough time to experience metamorphosis, and subsequently is lost. In realizing this, it is than of outmost necessity to revivify the myth. 

Q: What is good and what is bad in life? 

A: Well it’s simple…everything is as it is supposed to be, sometimes good, sometimes bad, neither better or worse, neither pulling or pushing, however to put this into practice is not so simple. 


Building the layers of painting knowing that this image I make has been done before, however it is the right time for this one to happen now. 

creating new myths for the present. 

‘sacred place’

Sunshine Coast Mona Lisa painting on flotsam now reimagined in hybrid art

in between

This blog is more poetry than prose, one thing I have been struggling with is translating the poetry into prose, perhaps this is an ironic twist considering blogging is so word driven. My best post ever was without words, wordless, using only visual poetry and juxtaposition of images. This is by far the most efficient way for me to express the soul both through the heart and the mind. These artworks reflect the need or desire to be in the center, and let the binary oppositions be binary oppositions without the fuss, without judgement and without blame. This is a practice that will take a lifetime to master.

a painting in it’s purest state


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sorrow into joy 

At the moment I don’t have many words to write, so the following minimotion and fotoMahaloness is my words, they express my inner spirit, and is the result of my efforts as of late. I am an artist, yes. I am also a human being who experiences love, joy, sorry, grief, and yes I do get overwhelmed at times. I know how to stay busy, to work hard, to paint, to draw, and make movies. I have faith in my art and I acknowledge that I am surrounded by some truly wonderful friends and family, an ocean of love that helps me through those difficult days. I would be lying if I said I have never felt defeat. I have had moments when I thought I was going to lose my mind, questioning the path I have chosen, it all part of the experience. However unlike Van Gogh I have managed to keep my ear in tact, and truth be told there’s more work to be done which I’ll need both ears for. 


‘howl moon’ 🎥 new hälts minimotion featuring a couple current wolf paintings at various stages, a moon from the hälts watercolour collection, and joshy my little buddhy oh and a little intro scene to set the mood 🌞 soundscape ‘night blue’ 

This video doesn’t exist


some of the hälts painting oeuvre

‘morning ritual’ hälts hybrid art

‘soft eye’ hälts hybrid art

the work desk, and some paintings watercolour and acrylic, notes, and various tools and art paraphernalia

3-D wolf paint WIP

‘wolfy’ hälts hybrid art

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a little reminiscing 

A poem for the moment. 
Hope you find what your searching for my darling

I hope you find these things 

Because a new beginning is what you needed 

This is what it’s like to paint for me, I drift in and out, from the here now, to those moments when I was healing my soul from the grind and filling my artistic cup with the jam that keeps me going. I hope you like it, the soundscape is ’painter pilgrimage’ Enjoy! 📽  ‘painter man’ with soundscape ‘painter pilgrimage’ 

This video doesn’t exist

This is me in contemplation. I have been working on this WIP called ‘SLO’ for months and months, I am so close to finishing this painting. I have been working with a bit of a heavy heart, I will not complain it is a part of life that we love to sugar coat and throw inspirational quotes at, however the only way to get through things is to let it pass, the art of letting go, non attachment, impermanence. Sometimes I sit for hours with a brush in hand, it is natural to have thoughts during these moments, thoughts about life, art, people, lovers, family, friends, the ocean, you know thoughts. This has been my journey, a painter pilgrimage, I guess it’s my way of passing through life with a sense of dignity and grace, because one cannot know grace without also knowing folly. Although I have my days when I want to walk away from this practice, I wonder what life would be if I had never picked up a paint brush, it seems implausible, because it is. I will never forget the day I told my sister, ‘I am going to be an artist!’, and she replied, ‘you already are.’ So keep on my friends, find a way, and make art not war. (Artwork: the red bicycle by Raya Monroe, bought this painting form a young artist back in the day, it makes me smile, and my watercolour ‘the Shalu kid’) 

And a few moments in time with my WIP ‘SLO’ 

I like to sit and paint next to Rothko.


A rather old digi painting I made, I love waves, I love the ocean, it brings me great joy of being, soon I will be out again in its frothiness, duck diving waves and with a little luck, getting shacked. 

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peace of mind

Goodbye 2016, it was memorable year, filled with joy and sorrow, and everything in between, many lessons, many rides, many coffees, and many marks were made. I was thinking of filling this post with art I have made in the last year, and than I decided to make this video, perhaps I will do a future post, a year in review, for now I leave you with this minimotion which features hälts skating on a frozen lake juxtaposed with a lake in BC during the cusp of summer and fall, closing it out with a squirrel encounter on a camping trip. Just easy watching, easy listening, with soundtrack ‘beat the devil out of it’, thank you for checking out Mahaloness, there is going to be some changes happening in the new year, the new cycle. Until the next May peace and harmony find us all. 

This video doesn’t exist

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new minimotion picture show with soundscape 

This is a new minimotion made by the man himself, hälts, in an attempt to overcome the madness on this planet hälts is dedicated to continue to make his art, which is to say, bring light to the dark, and make some happy little clouds, this is what Bob Ross would of wanted. The title for this new minimotion is called, ‘garden in my mind’ and the the soundscape is called, ‘BobRoss made me do it’ and is an homage to BR and his peaceful chill painting style. 

This video doesn’t exist

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hälts live 

In recent art sojourns hälts has been immersed in a state of fulfillment as paint flows from his brush and spending time in the public eye, doing his art live, sharing the inspiration, meeting strangers, and keeping the Mahaloness vibe alive. It is clear as day that the journey must continue, perhaps now more than ever before. 

Location Calgary New Age Click here for location, hälts will be at it again Thursday and Friday this week Spet. 22-23 from noon to 6ish, come on by for a visit, prints and greeting cards for sale, and interesting conversation a guarantee. 


A Ukrainian egg, a family treasure no doubt that hälts has been observing, tapping the heritage and staying connected to his family ancestral light.

the room at Calgary New Age, hälts be painting his newest peice, under the gentle gaze of his mural called ‘creator’, what a wonderful way to paint.

stages, phases, the layers building as shape tirns to form…

close up detail, painting remains untitled, not for long…

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the path….

As life moves forward so too does the path. 

What can I say that hasn’t already been said before, life is short, may it be joyful. 

cemetary sunset


what keeps me grounded

‘hälts in contemplation’ (foto: mark adam)

the elder path continues…

from paint brushes to stones

I came across a patch of flowers and forgot who I was.

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This is what I do

This is what I do. No matter what you think about me, how well you think you know me, or what I say, none of it will change the fact that this is what I do. I work with heart and mind in alignment. All the bullshit, all the pressures, the anxieties, the confusion, the ups and downs will ever change what I do. I am an artist, that is the role I play. This is what I do. I choose Mahaloness, I will continue to follow my dream, no matter what, automatic. I make marks, beautiful marks, with beautiful colours, this is what I do, when my time comes, I am aware that the work I make, the art, will carry my light. You want to judge me, you want to doubt me, you want to humble me, go ahead. You want to see me fail, I say to you that I will continue to bloom. I am deep into my work, going 10 years straight, working at it every day, and for better or for worse it has been my choice and I accept that. I paint, I photograph, I write, I build sculpture, I make art. I channel spirit, if you are unfamiliar with spirit or question spirit than this is your choice, and that’s okay too. I am aware of the impact I am making, and as long as I am aligned with love and compassion, than the work I do is exceptional. When the storms roll in and toss me around than the work turns chaotic and flow can be difficult. It doesn’t mean I give up, even if the universe is a beast and wants to eat me up, I am a satyagraha, a peaceful warrior and will overcome all obstacles. I am Mahaloness. I just want to be free, I just want to bring light into the dark times we are in. What else am I to do, I don’t know. I just want to be free, I just want to see my dream through and share it with you. Even in my darkest moment I will shine within. I will find solace in fulfilling my dream, and deliver my beauty, automatic. I am here on Earth to be of service, you want to eat me up, use me up, manipulate me, and challenge me, go ahead, I will smile within and send you love and compassion. I just want to be, I just want to dream, I just want to love and be loved, I just want to live by living and reach out to those who find struggle within. I am aloha, I am joy, I am your friend even if you are my enemy. I will not wait, I will not plan, I will not follow the directive that you give to me, I chose this path and will follow it through with or without your approval, I will love you even if my humanness gets in the way, beyond the superficial, emotional, I am a light being, filled with verve, here to do my work, the good work, the path of Mahaloness.
Fotografica Mahaloness are visual clues I leave, some portray the art, some the energy that feel, the flow that flows through me, channeling creative spirit. I will see it through, if you are an art dealer and you want to pick me up, pick me up. I just want to make art, okay.

The sun and the clouds. I made a sculpture from beach debris at a place called cove near Paia, 2 little kids walked by, they were around 5, as they passed they said to me ‘that’s cool’, the work did what it was meant to do, if a wave came and took it away than I would also say that the ocean loved it too. The paintings are my abstract work, when I travel to a place and there is a lot of stimulation, I tend towards abstract, it is more true to the moment, and channels pure energy without the aid of symbols. The Mona Lisa was painted on the sunshine coast BC it was made on floatsam, sea debris, she is the Sunshine Coast incarnate. Kissing turtles on recycled tike meant for the dump transformed into Mahaloness gold.The green and orange/red picture are energy photos, part of my photografica collection. If you like what you see let me know, especially if you are in a dark period, I can help to the best of my ability. love and compassion is best shared. If you are an angel funder and you like what you see, become a patron, it is never too late, and if you have to make excuses than carry on.







