
Contemporary artist specializing in full spectrum painting, mural, animation and digital hybrid art.

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commission painting

I have been keeping busy for the beginning of 2023 with a commission painting. As I get closer to the finish line I know what I need to do, and will also allow the paint gods to guide me through to the last mark. There are moments when I think, this is it, I can stop here. I step away, take a nature break, come back into the studio, sit in front of the painting and see new marks. This is the cycle, and it goes until I cannot see new marks. Trust in the process and trusting self are key to achieving the vision. Here is a compilation of videos from the last few weeks. I’ll be back soon.

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Many faces

fotoMahaloness -many faces I have painted and an unknown soldier.






A mysterious face on a sidewalk, artist unknown

a rare self portrait (digi multi media)
A Chief on a bus I painted in likeness of a man whom my grandfather knew well, yet strangely whose name remains unknown to me. My grandfather lived next to the Siksika Nation in a town called Cluny, AB, Canadalink to Siksika Nation website
Thank you.