
Contemporary artist specializing in full spectrum painting, mural, animation and digital hybrid art.

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commission painting

I have been keeping busy for the beginning of 2023 with a commission painting. As I get closer to the finish line I know what I need to do, and will also allow the paint gods to guide me through to the last mark. There are moments when I think, this is it, I can stop here. I step away, take a nature break, come back into the studio, sit in front of the painting and see new marks. This is the cycle, and it goes until I cannot see new marks. Trust in the process and trusting self are key to achieving the vision. Here is a compilation of videos from the last few weeks. I’ll be back soon.

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BC summer interlude 

First of all I am a little shy sometimes, or I just don’t like the lime light and don’t always see the need to show you my face. I would rather show you through pictures a little bit about me, and the things that brings joy to my life. I am no different than any other living being on this planet, I have my good days and my bad days. I live in duality, aware of a mind that goes back and forth between past and future. I often go to Nautre to be present, away from modern desitractions, and the hustle and bustle that seems to fill my time. So without too much further adieu here is a little prelude to my true story in pictures.

I went up a road and found some wild raspberries on a steep shoulder…I nearly fell. Scored a few raspberries, no need to take them all…gotta leave some for the fury friends after all. I managed to inherit a tick, thankfully discovered before it buried it’s head into me. I then went to a fresh water spring and filled 2 vessels full. I walked up the road to let some steam go and gave thanks to this gift of life. 


my personal favourite however I love all animals equally

The hälts art pop shop at the Invermere Farmers’s and Artist’s Market, I predict this will happen again.

every rose has it’s thorns, aware of this act gently, and you will experience it’s beauty. (foto: my mom tending to her rose bush)

Summer Interlude minimotion 

‘true story’

Thank you to Mother Earth, to my mom and dad and to my sister, and sisters, and all my brothers and sisters from other mothers. 

Recently I did a wild style watercolour/stencil art ‘choose your own adventure’ workshop at Black Star Studios in Invermere BC. I made a gazillion stencils and passed on some of my knowledge and experience of both techniques to a very enthusiastic and receptive group of individuals. Here are some pictures of that experience, which I predict will happen again this summer, it’s in the works. 

background to the photo above, preparing for the workshop however nothing could have prepared me for the warm reception and stoke that filled that room for 2.5 hours, holy cow, let’s do it again! 

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open studio project and Nature time

The journey continues, the artist within ready to explore the world outside the confines of the studio. From the studio he ventures to a crystal shop, and in doing studio walls melt away. For a good long while the artist was in an contraction  period, countless hours spent in his cave, the world shrinking, life passing by. Lost in his own world, the artist became an enigma. So the artist decided it was time to leave the cave to explore the world, connect with the people, spend as much time with Nature as possible, and prepare for the next leg of the journey. 


enter hälts open studio painting project ‘the healer’

hälts got in a canoe with his naturalist friend and she found some edible mushrooms provided by this lovely planet (it is the mushroom in the headdress of ‘the healer’ painting below)

hälts ‘in it’ live painting at Calgary New Age Books & Crystals, next to his mural ‘creator’

‘squirrel’ new hälts minimotion with soundscape ‘fall interlude’ and ‘puttin on da breaks’ (Nature comedy) 

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‘the healer’ a live painting project happening at Calgary New Age Books & Crystals 🌍located 104 10 St NW Calgary🌍

detail from hälts ‘the healer’ painting, currently in its final stages, more information on this painting in future posts⚡️

the sky speaks, always a good idea for a painter to look up at the sky in between those ‘in it’ moments, good for the eyes and the constitution

a beautiful scene in the woods with a healer friend and forest lover🌿

Love Nature, treat it with care, and it will provide a beautiful experience in return.

a fall scene from a mountain sojourn with his healer friend

hälts hybrid art called ‘Volcano Goddess’

hälts catching a quick Nature nap in a hut found while exploring the forest. (foto cred: Rebecca Rychliski)

for any inquiries please email hälts at 

⚡️Special Announcement⚡️ If you happen to live in the Calgary hälts is putting on an art print sale at Calgary New Age Books and Crystals this Saturday the 12th of September from noon until 7 pm 🌍 located at 104 10 St NW🌍 in the funky neighbourhood of Kensington. He will be selling and signing prints, there will also be hälts art greeting cards available for sale, and some truly unique original art as well. He hopes to see you there. 

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the dream 


A human is sitting in a coffee shop, there is 2 older ladies speaking softly in French and and the ambient sound of coffee roasting, and friendly chatter fill the air. The man takes a sip of a fresh cup of coffee, he reflects following a sojourn to the mountains, reminding him of his wild side, the animal within. The coffee shop melts to the ground revealing an expansive forest and mountains with a fresh dusting of snow, fall is in the air. 


While hälts spends most of his time working on his art, he also has reconnected lately with his wild side, tapping into the Natural element, being one with it, breathing the fresh mountain air, walking where the bears walk, where the wolf pack hunts, and the moose roam. This is a place where he can give his inner human the best treatment that no salon, no spa could ever dream of. That’s not to say that these are not ways to relax and balance, it’s just that for the second half of his life he has been adapted to city life, each day his connection to Nature disrupted by airwaves, sirens and the bottom line. As the city edge wares off the inner human comes to the surface, smelling the air, feeling the earth beneath his feet, awareness wakes, these moments so few and far between. (from a recent hike with his foraging herbal healer friend Rebecca, thank you for the getting me out into the wild, hoooowwwwwwwlllllllll). A big thank you to Rebecca for your love and support.

leaving civilization behind

leaving civilization

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hälts friend Rebecca has been introducing him to the world of fungi, and what a world it is