
Contemporary artist specializing in full spectrum painting, mural, animation and digital hybrid art.

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hummingBIRDs DREAM in black & white

My family garden sanctuary is the perfect place to daydream. When spring begins to blossom the hummingbirds show up, and make our garden their home. When there is not enough food source I make sure to provide them with some nectar in my feeder. Over the last few years we have become quite close, and I would say I have somewhat garnered their trust. I was sitting in my backyard when the first hummingbird arrived and decided to set my camera rig with the hopes of getting some footage. The opening scene was from that day. I have been shooting a lot in black and white. I am fond of the monochromatic look both, aesthetically and it’s timeless quality. It does lend well to producing dreamy imagery. Over the winter I spent quite a bit of time watching films that were black and white, and began making notes in my book of some things I wanted to try out. I have also been actively working at developing my editing style, which like painting is something that develops over time. For this short I wanted to try some new camera set ups, including a trinity style stabilising system. It takes out some the wobble when in movement and using handheld. The idea for this short sparked while I was filming the hummingbird perched in a double plum tree. Quite often it is a very active little bird. So to see it perched in a resting state it made me think, does a hummingbird daydream? Well of course it must! About a week later I decided to get some footage of them at the feeder. There is one dominant hummingbird, a Rufus to be exact. I made sure to observe its movements, I have had about four consecutive summers to do so. I think it is a key to first observe them so that once I am ready to shoot, I have some idea how they will behave. The hummingbird is fast, and tiny, both make for some tricky timing, especially if they are in full flight. I decided to stay close to the feeder and use a handheld shoulder setup, and see if I could get right close to the feeder. With a little bit of patience I was successful in my endeavour. I came away with some great shots. From there I decided that I would create my dream sequence. Initially it was going to be in full colour, and then I felt it was perhaps better in monochromatic. I have a few different locations I like to go, which offer both great Natural elements and are enough off the beaten path that there is little to no chance of encountering human elements. This was key for the dream sequence which I wanted to keep as a POV experience, taking the viewer into a magical little world that they may not see everyday. I used both planned time-lapse pan movements and handheld stabilised set ups. For the forest sequence I was using my stabilisation to eliminate some of the up and down movement. I wanted to create a floaty, and ethereal feel. I was quite satisfied with he footage I got. I also was in a cougar habitat which I find puts me into a very focused and aware state. I did wonder what the animals must think about this strange human running around with a camera, alone in the forest! It does take a lot of practice to make a camera movement smooth, nothing is perfect. Over the course of a couple weeks I amassed some great footage and decided it was time to head to the editing phase. I will sometimes make a rough outline before I start to get the flow going. I do tend to experiment as well and having a bit of an idiosyncratic shooting style which includes lots of interesting movements and finding good old happy accidents, through trial and error. I usually work on sound and music while I edit. Once I have selected a group of clips I will either go and collect wild sounds and field recordings that suit the imagery, or I go through my sound archives from previous missions. I love layers, both in my painting style, and as it turns out in my editing. There is a fine line for sure between over doing it and finding the right balance. And perhaps this is also true for life itself, finding the balance. Once editing, the process usually unfolds fairly rapidly, although I will admit that sitting in front of a computer isn’t alway my idea of fun… I do find editing to be very fun, and I am always surprised by the results. Each short I learn something new and see something I didn’t before. I think doing it all does help when it comes to shooting because I have learnt what I need and what I don’t need. Less can be more. I also have a healthy size library of stock footage I have collected. I think maybe thats the biggest lesson in creating this short, having to work with limited resources and help, I am somewhat forced to pair things down so that it is manageable. I don’t always get it right the first time, there is an initial edit to get the blocks in place and then I will do a bit of sorting and rearranging. Once there I create a movie file so I can see it, and make any necessary changes, or adjustments. By the third or fourth cycle I am pretty close to the final version. At that point I work on title sequence and tighten up the sound, and as I said before get a feeling of balance. Once it is completed I do a couple viewings with fresh eyes and will either live with it, or make some minor tweaks. It has been a great process of discovery and once it is all together I feel a sense of peace with it knowing it’s time to share. I hope sharing some insights about my process has been somewhat interesting to you. Once it is out there it is no longer in my control, leaving it up to the viewer to make their own interpretations. Thank you for your precious time, and without further adieu here is my latest digital short, ‘HummingBIRD DREAMS in Black & White.

Hälts films presents ‘hummingBIRDs DREAM in Black and White’ with soundscape ‘Earth was Sung’ c.2022

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I am free. I live in a free country. I live in a free country that has laws. I live in a country that has laws that inhibit my freedoms. The laws are there to protect citizens of this country. My freedom inhibits your freedom. Your freedom inhibits mine. People. People have opinions. It is just your opinion. It is not the people. It is the people. I am right.You are wrong. I am right. You are a wrong. I don’t know. I know. Who are you? Who are they? Who is Who? Who is right? Who is wrong? I don’t know. I know. I am right. False. I am wrong. Right. I am free. You are not free. Nothing is free. Free to choose. No. Yes. So…..where do we go from here?

Hello, my name is Shane Haltman. I am a Canadian artist, currently living the East Kootenay, British Columbia, Canada. I sign most of my work with Hälts, a nickname I adopted somewhere along the journey. As you have probably have noticed I have a new theme and name for my website. From this point forward will act as my art gallery, where I will showcase different projects and artworks. The content will range from short films/video art, drawings, hybrid art, and fine art paintings. For particular artworks there will be links available for you to go to. The links are there for those of you interested in collecting art, and for ordering prints. Currently links are set to take you to Saatchi Art, who I have been with since 2013. On my gallery you will find a small collection of watercolours, representing a fork in the road in terms of my artistic practice. I often refer to myself as a hybrid artist, amalgamating techniques and methods. While watercolour was a new medium for me, I also continued to work with acrylic and other media during the same period of time. Moving from one medium to another I adapt techniques, so they no longer are bound to one medium or another. Watercolour is a remarkable in terms of colour, and latitude. I found I was able to introduce some of my acrylic techniques, that proved to work quite well. I also felt watercolour pushed me into new territory, and new ways express. I found the series to be both, liberating and rewarding. It is one of my favourite periods, however I can say that about most of the art I have made in my life, each one unique and a celebration of my freedom to express my inner spirit. And, in doing so offering a sanctuary; a peaceful space for the viewer to enjoy. I will continue writing this blog and will cover a variety of areas as well as free writing, discussions on art, and so on. Thank you for joining me and I look forward to the path ahead.

In recent news my artwork ‘woven antler’ was selected to be showcased on Saatchi Art ‘New this Week’ follow this link and you will find it on the bottom of the page. It is also featured on my website gallery. It is not everyday my artwork gets worldwide exposure, it is an honour and I am thrilled to be part of an incredible global art scene.

‘woven antler’

watercolour on cold pressed paper c.2021

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feeding the soul 

Art is here to nourish the soul and gives us things to consider as we navigate this life together.

It has been true to hälts that to be an artist means you are always on and, there is always  work to be done.  The practice is ceaseless and the behind the scenes work  is no slouch. It is a part of the modern day artist and the ever ending ‘get your work out there!’ This  includes  promotion, finding commissions, cataloging and formatting the work, social media, doing live art, all of which takes time. This does not mean that hälts chains himself to the easel, it’s a good idea to put down the brush, leave the studio and go get some life experience, take time to do be with family, and visit the local wildlife. This feeds the soul of an artist and are key ingredients in hälts art process recipe.  Art might come from within, however it is the external that informs and offers ideas and fuels the human spirit which all goes back into the work. As much as hälts puts attention and care into the aesthetic of his work, there is a message in his paintings, drawings and minimotions. The message is this, we live in this world, we being humans, we also live amongst other living beings and all of us live together in various environments that we all rely upon, and when in a healthy state, thrive on. In hälts eyes we owe it to ourselves and to each other and all the living creatures on this living and breathing planet, to take care of it, treat it well, and do things that will ensure it lasts for future generations, otherwise we are heading down a perilous road and all this beauty and wonder will simply vanish before our eyes. Now some scenes form a recent sojourn to visit the elders, and spend some quality time with the natiral surroundings, flora, fauna, clouds, Sky, water, Eagles, hummingbirds, chipmunks, flowers, well, all of it. 


first up a minimotion ‘getting squirrelly’ with soundscape ‘take it in full’ a recon mission by hälts after his mom said a squirrel has been raiding her hummingbird feeder, priceless 

This video doesn’t exist

caught inda act

bald eagle sanctuary

hälts took his Fineline fish out for a paddle, hopefully the eagle doesn’t pick it up in its talons, they are massive birds of prey, just an honour to spend time with them in this magical place

a rose from mama bears magic garden

‘two worlds’ either we protect these sites or we watch them vanish before our eyes