
Contemporary artist specializing in full spectrum painting, mural, animation and digital hybrid art.

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hummingBIRDs DREAM in black & white

My family garden sanctuary is the perfect place to daydream. When spring begins to blossom the hummingbirds show up, and make our garden their home. When there is not enough food source I make sure to provide them with some nectar in my feeder. Over the last few years we have become quite close, and I would say I have somewhat garnered their trust. I was sitting in my backyard when the first hummingbird arrived and decided to set my camera rig with the hopes of getting some footage. The opening scene was from that day. I have been shooting a lot in black and white. I am fond of the monochromatic look both, aesthetically and it’s timeless quality. It does lend well to producing dreamy imagery. Over the winter I spent quite a bit of time watching films that were black and white, and began making notes in my book of some things I wanted to try out. I have also been actively working at developing my editing style, which like painting is something that develops over time. For this short I wanted to try some new camera set ups, including a trinity style stabilising system. It takes out some the wobble when in movement and using handheld. The idea for this short sparked while I was filming the hummingbird perched in a double plum tree. Quite often it is a very active little bird. So to see it perched in a resting state it made me think, does a hummingbird daydream? Well of course it must! About a week later I decided to get some footage of them at the feeder. There is one dominant hummingbird, a Rufus to be exact. I made sure to observe its movements, I have had about four consecutive summers to do so. I think it is a key to first observe them so that once I am ready to shoot, I have some idea how they will behave. The hummingbird is fast, and tiny, both make for some tricky timing, especially if they are in full flight. I decided to stay close to the feeder and use a handheld shoulder setup, and see if I could get right close to the feeder. With a little bit of patience I was successful in my endeavour. I came away with some great shots. From there I decided that I would create my dream sequence. Initially it was going to be in full colour, and then I felt it was perhaps better in monochromatic. I have a few different locations I like to go, which offer both great Natural elements and are enough off the beaten path that there is little to no chance of encountering human elements. This was key for the dream sequence which I wanted to keep as a POV experience, taking the viewer into a magical little world that they may not see everyday. I used both planned time-lapse pan movements and handheld stabilised set ups. For the forest sequence I was using my stabilisation to eliminate some of the up and down movement. I wanted to create a floaty, and ethereal feel. I was quite satisfied with he footage I got. I also was in a cougar habitat which I find puts me into a very focused and aware state. I did wonder what the animals must think about this strange human running around with a camera, alone in the forest! It does take a lot of practice to make a camera movement smooth, nothing is perfect. Over the course of a couple weeks I amassed some great footage and decided it was time to head to the editing phase. I will sometimes make a rough outline before I start to get the flow going. I do tend to experiment as well and having a bit of an idiosyncratic shooting style which includes lots of interesting movements and finding good old happy accidents, through trial and error. I usually work on sound and music while I edit. Once I have selected a group of clips I will either go and collect wild sounds and field recordings that suit the imagery, or I go through my sound archives from previous missions. I love layers, both in my painting style, and as it turns out in my editing. There is a fine line for sure between over doing it and finding the right balance. And perhaps this is also true for life itself, finding the balance. Once editing, the process usually unfolds fairly rapidly, although I will admit that sitting in front of a computer isn’t alway my idea of fun… I do find editing to be very fun, and I am always surprised by the results. Each short I learn something new and see something I didn’t before. I think doing it all does help when it comes to shooting because I have learnt what I need and what I don’t need. Less can be more. I also have a healthy size library of stock footage I have collected. I think maybe thats the biggest lesson in creating this short, having to work with limited resources and help, I am somewhat forced to pair things down so that it is manageable. I don’t always get it right the first time, there is an initial edit to get the blocks in place and then I will do a bit of sorting and rearranging. Once there I create a movie file so I can see it, and make any necessary changes, or adjustments. By the third or fourth cycle I am pretty close to the final version. At that point I work on title sequence and tighten up the sound, and as I said before get a feeling of balance. Once it is completed I do a couple viewings with fresh eyes and will either live with it, or make some minor tweaks. It has been a great process of discovery and once it is all together I feel a sense of peace with it knowing it’s time to share. I hope sharing some insights about my process has been somewhat interesting to you. Once it is out there it is no longer in my control, leaving it up to the viewer to make their own interpretations. Thank you for your precious time, and without further adieu here is my latest digital short, ‘HummingBIRD DREAMS in Black & White.

Hälts films presents ‘hummingBIRDs DREAM in Black and White’ with soundscape ‘Earth was Sung’ c.2022

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been away from the desk

Hello, how are you? I find myself here in the East Koots, Canada, in the year 2021. I have been away from my desk, and from most activities I had been absorbed in prior to 2020. My writing and art time replaced by care giving. I am at this very moment a care giver, during a global pandemic, and heightened social uncertainty. Life has been chaotic in a way, similar to the weather, moving, changing, far from normal, whatever normal may be. Being away from my home, I find myself here, somewhat isolated form the busy city life I once knew. When I find free time, I immerse in solitude, and spend time with Nature. It gives me a chance to defrag, shed layers, and reboot self. It is a time of self discovery, and inward reflection. I have been on many journeys in my life, a watershed of experience fed by many tributaries. In essence I have found my way back to the ocean, swished and swirled, upwelled and submerged along the way. The light and the dark coming in waves, with varying intervals and speed. Time has been moving in circles, things change only to return to what they were. Recently my father was admitted to hospital, which led to some abrupt changes to my routine. I will make a simple analogy, I am sailing in the ocean, it is calm and peaceful. I decide to paint. There is no wind and the scene is beautiful. Later I see clouds on the horizon, they seem to be getting closer, and the wind picks up, a storm looms. What do I do? Well I stop painting, and I batten the hatches, get into sailing position and try to get back to shore. This is my life right now. I am back on shore and giving my attention to my care giving duties. In my spare time I work on ideas, and study new crafts. When the storm passes, and peace returns to the land, I will be prepared to resume activities such as picture making, and writing. Thank you for your patience.

And now time for a hälts special feature….

A short film by halts that reveals the magic of the Columbia valley, the East Koots. This film was made possible by my parents who brought me to this valley as a young boy. It has shaped me and it’s blood runs in my veins. No day goes by that I am not in awe, even when the chips are down, it reminds me of the beauty that is here on this earthly plane. Shot in multiple locations and elevations, and over a period of 2 months, it documents the rhythm of the changing seasons. This the land of the eagle, a symbol of power and a source of inspiration. The music I composed started out on my mom’s piano. She often goes to her piano and plays soft melodies that fill the silent air. I sat down one day in her spot and something from an unknown place came through my fingers. As the process went on I expanded on this by adding other instruments and sounds, such as an accordion, that I found tucked away in a closet. With the help of Garageband it evolved into the different sections that you will hear. It is a song of hope and reflects the spirit of Nature, intertwined with every living soul who calls this place home, and to those drawn here by it’s call. This short was made using an iphone for a camera, run and gun. I incurred shin splints in order to get a shot of the valley from near the top of Mount Swansea. This prticualr shot is an homage to the legend Doug Anakin, who graced this valley for many years. I happened to see Doug walk up the same path I took close to his last day on Earth. When I got near to the top I encountered a large ram, and knew I was in the right place. Totally worth it. This is a magical kingdom, and I hope that it remains so for all generations to come. Thank you very much for taking the time to be here and I hope you enjoyed my presentation. Run time 15:16.00

BC still moments

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Someone said to me that we live in strange times. Funny though, when weren’t the times strange? It is easy to romanticise about the good old days. When you really look at the past there has been strangeness all along. We have fought in many many wars. We have experienced pandemics and plagues that wiped out large numbers of the population. There have been brutal dictators who took the lives of millions, all in the name of power and fame, or is it infamy. Humans as a lot have been particularly brutal to our Mother Earth, putting themselves above that which provide life for them. This is not just at the hands of the industrialists, it’s you and I, it’s everyone. We drive cars everyday. We jet set to get away form our lives, only finding we have to return to them. We consume goods like no ones business for pleasure; the insatiable need to taste the riches of our own individual successes. None of this is good or bad, it is just what we have done collectively, and collectively we have been swayed by our own arrogance, an ego shell in the form of the roles we play. But wait. There is human qualities that also have allowed us to endure even the hardest and darkest hours on this tiny blue and green dot. We are a resilient bunch, we have overcome so many obstacles and celebrated life when time permits. We praise thee God, the gods, the Creator, the thing that makes this this. We have weathered storms since the beginning of time and before time was time. Now time has stood on its head, by a virus, an obstacle, a messenger, perhaps even a prophet. Days that flew by now take a little longer, things slowing down, this translating into boredom for some. No doubt it would appear that our lives before the pandemic became intertwined with the global economy, codependent on each other to sustain. The desire to always be driven forward, never time to think about, let alone be in the present moment. The present moment an eternity, unchanging, true being, the I house. Nothingness that everything, all this stuff, passes through, coming and going, yet here the I am remains. It is a time to celebrate this life, rediscover our true self, put down our judgements, our guards, a rebirth of cool. Soon calm will follow after the storm. Now let the mind be free.

Note: These are my thoughts and shared thoughts of fellow humans that I have been resonating with during the last few weeks, I have experienced intermittent moments of anger and rage over the things outside of me, outside of my control. Perhaps we all have. We all have our way of dealing or not dealing with that which we face. I have found the hardship and the suffering have opened my heart up. Similar to the lake ice melting, I can hear the cracks, the booms, slowly opening up again after many years of struggle. Thank you Earth, Thank you family, and thank you friends. Thank you. We will be ok. Breathe.


The sky is full of miracles.



3 herons


hälts minimotion ‘millions of dreams’ with soundscape ‘sky bound’



a bee I did for a buddhy, bee like bee, let it bee…



This group of paintings is representative of the thoughts and feelings that have come and go during this pandemic, moments of anger and emotions, moments of primal instincts, joy, and future visions. Ideas that come and go through this house, inner outer spirit remains true, no change. 


one of my roles is care giver for my elderly parents. 


sometimes purple haze

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while in solitude


life death


here and there




shelter. (hälts painting) 


grave with shining light


the source of the light


crystal bokeh

turkeybutt copy



turkey on the move


life and death


art teacher


parking cancelled

the painter man….. hälts minimotion featuring a painting made in the pandemic era.



In the back of my mind, something does not seem right.


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minimal words

Humans are struggling at the moment, it will be interesting to see how things play out in this game of life.


Minimal words today, so much to say however there is other work to be done….future blogs coming, thank you for your patience. For now here is a story in pictures.


golden eagle


chasing eagles is my other passion


silly human…


perhaps this eagle was someone I once knew… maybe deep down I want to be an eagle in my next lifetime. 


…and soar wherever my wings will take me



mystery scat, possibly mountain lion, could be bear…


classic bear scat… likely a black bear


autumn flora


night flora


painting with light


night flag


late late summer dance

Life’s a funny the thing. The things I said back then, that mostly fell on deaf ears, or were difficult to hear, or read, or understand… that not only did they come into some form of fruition, they became part of the vernacular.

A road less travelled, however travelled.



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Life on Earth

Gaia Theory was the impetus for the mural you see below. I was also inspired by ancient mythology received through literature, art, and through storytellers I have met while travelling. I chose this wall because it felt right. The business that occupied the store was a community hub of sorts, with many walks of life entering through it’s door.  The irony of the mural was that it was destroyed as a new building replaced the old. I thought this to be a symbol of how we treat Earth, as a disposable item created for our own pleasures, destroy and ‘don’t worry we’ll build a new one’ mentality. Have we become so completely self absorbed, unaware, and ignorant to the very thing that provides life? I know this to be untrue for myself and there are many folk on this planet who do give a damn, and bless their beautiful souls. And bless the souls who don’t care, they perhaps need it the most. We live together on this tiny planet hurtling through infinite space…perhaps we will meet up with a new life form that will show us an alternative way to live…or perhaps James Lovelock is right, AI and cyborgs will take over leaving us more or less pets in zoo.  On the up side we get to see what animals have known since humans decided to try to dominate Earth…maybe this the remedy we all need.

The Gaia theory was developed in the late 1960’s by Dr. James Lovelock, a British Scientist and inventor. I am not going to go into specifics here as I think if one is interested they do their own research and make their own conclusions.


Life on Earth


Summer Nights

Oh these spirited Summer Nights

so much delight

to be had

on a warm


Summer Night


Art of hälts…..

‘true self’ 💧this painting is about rising above the veil, high above your personhood, revealing the truth that sets you free 💙 I don’t know everything and that’s alright, I search for meaning in this life through painting, along the way I find some peace of mind, with a heart of gold, slightly tarnished, it’s alright, I am well on my way to the great reveal, God knows what this human does. (Painting: ‘mawyucan’ the whirlwind place mixed media on canvas soon to be painted over)


A recent watercolor in hybrid art format that again plays on the Gaia theory theme and ancient mythology.


I went for a paddle to see my eagle friend, watching them grow up into adults is such a treat! I can’t help but think we have a respect for one another, and when it gets windy and I fly on my windsurfer across the lake, its not uncommon for this big buddy to say hello, and. then fly off riding the breeze.

‘hälts went for a paddle’ 🌲 hälts SUP minimotion with eagle and a soundscape called ‘hello old friend’ 😐 warning this video may be a little disorientating, and really SUP’ping is a zigzag process, so its true to the experience, which is what a documentary is in my books.


when we truly forgive, we are free.

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The journey as of late has been one of discovery, learning and growing. Following a couple weeks of serious creative verve hälts is now in the process of documenting and making a video time-laspe in an effort to share his latest mural experince, both to help teach the art of mural making in a funky way and give imagination a chance to speak. Art is an expression of what it is to be human that has ancient roots. As long as I am connected to the ancient ancestors the art flows. Please stay tuned more posts coming, thank you for checking out Mahaloness, have a great day.


If you are interested in my art and would like to order a signed LTd. Ed. print, either 8×11 or 11×14 you can, I do ecommerce, Paypal, you get some nice art in 2-3 weeks. Prints are made on cardstock gloss paper.

8×11 in. $30 CDN (plus international shipping for my friends outside Canada)

11×14 in. $20 CDN (plus international shipping)

contact hälts at


another option is RageOn! All-over  printing on a variety of items including hoodies, onsies, blankets, shower curtains, socks and so on.

Please follow the link Please click here to see the Mahaloness RageOn! Gallery


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the futility of perfection

This is a mini motion picture show with music, featuring a painting called ‘the SKULL’, an exercise in the futility of perfection.



This video doesn’t exist

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the Tara painting

Recently I began to paint my third Tibetan inspired Tara painitng. I was properly introduced to Tibetan art when I was on the the Big Island of Hawaii at an event called Alchemeyez, back in 2011. There I would meet a man by the name of Romio Shrestha. Romio had huge, beautiful Thangkas on display, and It is truly beyond words how extraordinary his work is. I remember a moment when I was looking at one of his paintings and completely forgot my self. I also recall the most wonderful peaceful feeling overtaking everything. Since than I have made it my commitment to learn more about Tibetan Art and with a little luck meet again with Romio in this lifetime with the intention to work with him. Although I try to stay true to the traditional artform, this would be considered a modern evolution in my own unique stlye. It is a both an homage and a testament to the Tibetan Tara, and to Romio’s work which continues to spread Dharma into this world.

– below is a link to a new stop motion video I produced, enjoy.

link to original videoMahaloness featuring timelapse art vid of me working on a Tara painting to an original score I made using Garageband. on Vimeo

Thank you

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mural digianifotomation with sound

In this rather unique post I am featuring a new kind of way to experience my art and thought streams. I hope you enjoy, more to come soon.

This video doesn’t exist